Void Evolution System

931 Surface [1]

5 minutes ago, on Beast Emperor Star’s surface.

At the same time that the Golden Dragon Emperor realized the extreme time constraint that their world’s safety was under, he immediately relayed the news to multiple different areas.

Elena and Hedrick of course received the transmission, as well as the remaining royal children and the head of the Imperial Guard, a separate army that answered directly to the Emperor.

These important figures that could all make a difference in the current situation, for them, rather than false hope, understanding reality was far more beneficial.

Various decisions were made at once.

At the palace, the royal children dropped their wariness of each other in this time of threat and assembled the private forces they’d been raising for the succession war, creating a large army along with the Imperial Guard to face the Black Dragon Clan’s main army that was storming the castle.

The clashes began instantly, and as they continued, both sides racked up countless casualties. At this point, the Black Dragon Clan didn’t show any consideration for strategy.

Rather, they attacked without a care for life and death, purely using their bodies to create a path for the later forces to pass through.

Their goal was obvious. They were making their way towards the throne room as fast as possible, aiming for the Emperor himself.

After all, even if he couldn’t move personally, he was the main supporting pillar of the entire Golden Dragon Clan. As long as they could capture or even kill him, they would have an automatic win.

As the battle continued in the castle, Hedrick took a more direct approach. He moved alone and returned to the Black Dragon Clan’s base, where their Supreme and main leaders were situated.

Just as the Black Dragons aimed for the head, he would too.

And finally, Elena traversed the entirety of Beast Emperor Star for one purpose: finding and killing those from other forces who joined hands with the Black Dragon Clan to initiate this world-scale siege.

In the past 10 minutes, Elena had been working with both her Valhalla Army and the Golden Dragon Army that was placed under her command to eliminate the Territory Lords and capture their lesser minions to be used as slaves and cannon fodder as they continued their sieges.

In all honesty, Elena was moving with extreme efficiency and skill at the moment. She’d already led the two armies to eliminate a majority of the Territory Lords, and of the 6 that were left, 4 were still at a level that could be easily taken care of by the armies without her aid.

As for the last two…

“We can leave the 4 Dukes for later. For now, we need to concentrate all of our forces on the final two Lords. These two are from the Tyrant Clan and the Kunpeng Clan, two influences just a step worse than your Golden Dragon Clan,” Elena spoke solemnly to her army.


Elena’s eyes hardened.

“I’ll take them myself.”

“Lady Elena, with your strength, it—” the soldier named Diego began.

“Don’t question it,” Elena interrupted.

“I will prevail. You do not need to worry about anything but your own job.”

Diego furrowed his brows disapprovingly, but didn’t say anything.

They hadn’t known each other long, but Diego understood how competent of a general Elena was after following her during this period. While he was definitely worried about her safety, he couldn’t question her decisions.

As the armies moved, they went over the details of the plan and created far more intricate strategies to initiate their assault and win with the least possible casualties.

And eventually, they made it to the far West of Beast Emperor Star. Here, in an area termed Terrorwind by the current Territory Lords, was where both of the enemy clans were located.

These two clans had specifically been saved for last by Elena, as with their combined forces, they far outstripped the rest of the Territory Lords.

The instant the armies entered enemy territory, they were assaulted by waves of nauseating heat.

‘That must be from the Tyrant Clan.’ Elena thought to herself, picturing the giant magma monsters that were the Tyrant Clan.

‘I should be able to take one on by myself, but if they’re together…’

Elena made the decision to fight both Territory Lords not out of some sort of chivalry, but due to pure selfishness.

The current circumstance had been incredibly beneficial for her. Equipped with the Genesis Bead, her leveling and comprehension speed far surpassed anything she’d felt before, and she was already approaching level 399.

She had no doubt she could face off against the weakest extreme peak masters with her current strength, however…I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

Her enemies weren’t so simple.



Two clouds of dust rose into the air before Elena. One was dispersed in a massive wave of wind, while the other was directly incinerated into nothingness.

The figures of two men, one massive and the other quote lean, revealed themselves.

“So this is it! The infamous Golden Dragon Army has finally come!” The massive dark-skinned man among them exclaimed, his fists pumping with heat

“Let’s get this over with quickly. I do not enjoy the thought of allying with you.” The skinnier man responded bluntly.

Elena’s eyes narrowed.

“Leave me! Spread out and find the enemy forces!” She ordered the army, her eyes never leaving the two men.

“So, you two are the Territory Lords I’ve been hearing so much about?” Elena asked.

She displayed confidence, but inwardly, she was wary of their every move.

Her enemies, however, didn’t seem to share her seriousness.

“Hey, hey! Isn’t this girl quite good?” The Tyrant Lord suddenly said, looking Elena up and down.

“Indeed. She is quite to my taste. After we finish her, we can compete on who gets to taste her first.”

“Hey, girl! Are you still pure?”

Elena’s face darkened.

“It seems you have no consideration for me at all, eh?” She sneered.

“Consideration? I can offer you some consideration. How about you come back with me tonight and I’ll consider letting you stay alive as my slave maid?”

Elena’s eyes were icy.

These two were definitely much stronger than she was.


“You know, last time a man tried to talk to me like that, I cut his dick off.”

…she wasn’t someone who bowed to strength. Not back then, and absolutely not now.

She drew her sword, a beautiful thin blade that seemed as frail as a feather.


Light blinded the two Territory Lords, and in the next instant…

‘Illuminating Strikes.’

Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing!

Thousands of sword slashed stacked atop each other to form two extremely powerful strikes that even trumped the blinding flash in their light values.

And the target of these strikes?

Just slightly below the waists of the two men.

It was definitely a battle of life or death, but if she was going to say something so arrogant to trash-talk them beforehand…

Shouldn’t she live up to her words before she killed them?

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