Void Evolution System

1009 Tide [3]

The firestorm lasted for a day, which gave people false hope when the second calamity arrived.

However, the beast tides didn’t end so easily.

The calamity of beasts lasted an entire two weeks, until the end of the first month of the Grand Assembly.

In these 2 weeks, several heroes arose and even more geniuses were ruthlessly eliminated from the realm. The smaller forces who came to show some face and make connections were mostly eliminated from the competition, and replacing them, several larger forces finally made their arrival in Luxurion.

These forces were mostly Holy Land influences such as Fallen Star Holy Land, as well as individual High Commanders and Executioners affiliated with Heaven’s Army.

The only force from the Divine Realm still not present was Blood Asura Holy Land, but this wasn’t uncommon.

Of the large forces of the universe, Blood Asura Holy Land was widely known as the most arrogant and domineering. Even when facing the Heavenly Clan that represented the Divine Realm itself, they kept their same arrogance.

The visitor that attracted the most eyes was also the most elusive.

Prismatic Sun Holy Land.

In the same way the Demon Sealing Pantheon existed with great reputation but was still unknown to the world, Prismatic Sun Holy Land never showed its head outside of the most crucial moments.

The only difference between them was that the Demon Sealing Pantheon only ever had one successor at a time, while Prismatic Sun Holy Land was a true great influence with countless experts.

The five geniuses from this Holy Land were all women, wearing veils and thick clothing that hid their appearances from those who looked at them.

Oddly enough, this clothing even repelled the gazes of Demigods in the crowd, marking their garments as God-rank artifacts.

It was a true show of power to possess so many rare artifacts and use them as regular clothing.

The clothing of these five women wasn’t what drew attention to them. Rather, it was their performance once they made their way into Holy Light Star.

To put it simply, they stood equal to the Human Domain’s spectacular performance, and in the eyes of those experts, were just a step below Su Ren and Damien.

Nevertheless, two weeks was a great amount of time. Aside from the aforementioned influences, there were ten more Holy Lands and hundreds of smaller forces, whose geniuses raised the population of Holy Light Star to over 20,000.

As for what the Human Domain’s geniuses did during the time these newcomers stole the spotlight…

Rose, Ruyue, Long Chen, and Xue Fang were currently deep underground.

For two straight weeks, they’d been exploring the world connected to the massive cavern Rose first landed in.

Their original goal was to find the treasure the cavern hid, but it didn’t take long for them to find that there was none at all.

On the other hand, there were 16 hidden tunnels that led to completely different tunnel systems within the earth that didn’t interlap at all. Each one led to different beasts and different dangers, but as they learned after fully exploring the first one…

Each tunnel system was filled with treasures.

Chaos rank treasures with various usages, and even dangerous areas with strong auras suggesting the existence of God-rank treasures led them to remain in this cave system for days upon days.

Their strategy was simple.

For Chaos rank treasures, they split up and worked individually. Whenever they found the signs of a stronger treasure, they marked the area and left it alone so they could challenge them all consecutively as a group.

It was a great plan that allowed them to systematically claim every treasure they found, but at the same time, this common movement slowed their momentum and made the gazes on them slowly recede.

Not that that was a negative, of course.

At the end of the day, these Human Domain geniuses also wanted to grow. Their goal here wasn’t just to impress and show off. This was their first experience in the wider universe, and they planned to grow as much as they could from it.

Overall, for the geniuses who could hold their own in the perils of Holy Light Star, life became boring.

The true trouble existed for those who couldn’t, those who faced endless tides of rabid beasts with the only goal of tearing them apart.

And finally, near the end of the two week period, a beautiful phenomenon occurred in the Holy Light Tomb.

The light around Xue’er brightened and filled the entire central area, glimmering splendorously before finally dying down.

Xue’er sat alone, floating a few inches off the ground in a lotus position.

Her eyes fluttered open, and to Damien’s surprise, her pupils were now an emerald green color, like two shining jewels decorating her face.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

“How do you feel?” He asked hesitantly, running her awareness through her body to make sure there were no abnormalities.

“Feel…? This…what is the current day?” She responded hazily.

Damien’s brow raised cautiously.

“What do you mean?” He asked again.

Xue’er looked up at him, her eyes clearing.

“How long has it been since this Emperor entered his slumber?”

Damien’s eyes hardened.


His hand shot out without warning, slapping against Xue’er’s forehead.



“You little brat, don’t think you can fool me with that.”


“Who taught you to curse?!”

“Hehe~ oopsie !”

Xue’er naively knocked her head and smiled cheerfully as if nothing was wrong.

As for Damien, he could do nothing but sigh to himself.

“Haa, for a second, I thought…never mind.”

He could only say he was lucky for the Breath of Nothingness that allowed him to check her spiritual world!

‘This brat doesn’t know what I’m like out here. This could be dangerous.’

Because Damien wasn’t someone who’d panic and mourn, he was someone who’d immediately obliterate the spiritual consciousness trying to take over Xue’er’s body.

‘Either way, it’s good that nothing happened. However, her bodily situation…’

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With the blessing she just received, her body was raised to the 4th class level, but she had yet to define her Law and undergo Baptism to actually reach that level.

‘That sounds good on the surface, but as someone who’s personally experienced it, it’s not a positive thing at all in the long run.’

Getting Xue’er past that boundary became the most important task, and as Damien glanced at the outside situation…

‘The Life Laws of this world are fluctuating. If I’m reading it right, something major is going to happen. How the hell do they expect these geniuses to survive?’

He frowned as he became more and more sure of his feeling.

The environment of the entire world was destroyed in the first calamity, which drew the beasts from the subterranean world to the surface in the second.

Now that the world had gone through its cycles of destruction, the next step was to start revitalization.

The problem was, this world was also a secret realm, and its methods were…severe, to say the least.

‘In the next few days, it’ll start. The earth will cry, and then the vitality existing everywhere else…’

His eyes hardened solemnly.

‘…will be consumed.’

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