The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 345: Mysterious.

Yang Dao looked back around him and found that the whole city was covered with a tint of amber. There was no sun in the sky here, it was all below the water. His gaze fell on the floor below his feet. He realized that the floor was radiating heat and glow. He rubbed the floor with his feet and sensed the hardness of the floor.

The guy understood that there was something beneath this place that gave off the heat and transformed the floor into a hard crystal-like surface. That said he walked forward. A few meters opposite the mass grave, there were buildings. He was curious to see some buildings here and decided to explore them.

He did not relax his vigilance though. He was wearing a simple shirt and jeans when he came here so he stuffed the knife snatched from the previous attacker inside his sleeves as he kept walking forward. His gaze was scanning the whole place around him and his ears were focused on the sounds in the surroundings.

He could hear the murmurs coming from the buildings. There were people inside. He decided to use his Dao Eyes to check the place for living people inside the buildings. He did not wish to meet anyone but to find a secluded place where he could meditate in quiet.

The building looked like it had rooms, but there were too many people in this place. The whole place did not seem to be bigger than a football field. Soon Yang Dao found a building where the terrace seemed to be empty. However, when he looked at the design, he found that there were no stairs in the buildings.

Suddenly he turned back and slashed the knife behind him. The move was completely out of the blues and killing. The person who approached him did not expect such a keen response from a kid who did not seem to have any fire energy radiating from his body. The approaching party was also not slow and retreated quickly enough to avoid the slash but not without a scratch.

Yang Dao could not see the face of the person in front of him but heard a cold voice, "Such a quick response, either too paranoid or too much battle experience."

The boy did not respond but held the knife with a reverse grip and his eyes locked with the figure in front. The two got into a staredown and finally, the figure asked, "Seems like you are new here. What crime did you commit?"

Yang Dao had heard a similar question earlier. He said in an indifferent voice, "What does that have to do with you?"

The cold voice replied, "This is a place of the scourge, but there are some rules that imply upon all. Everyone needs to be registered, those who do not comply will die as soon as they touch the buildings."

Yang Dao did not understand what the person meant, he asked, "Care to elaborate?"

The figure shook his head and said, "There must have been a depraved old man you killed back at the flesh pit?"

After receiving a nod from the boy the figure continued, "This place is a mysterious land. When your crimes get past the range of punishment, they become sins, and sinners are exiled and boycotted. This is the land of exile. We all do not know how we ended up here after being thrown in the barren ice land above. However, we have a few things in common. We all can practice in the element again."

Yang Dao did not find any implications of the person to be lying by the stability of his breath and speech but he was not naive enough to believe him just based on that. He said, "Why do you tell me this?"

The cold voice replied, "Do you not understand that this place is made by the criminals and sinners, and even though we are sinners we all have a set of rules. Fairness among the villains you can call it. Given the level of your elemental skill, you will be provided a place to live and also, you will fight members with similar strength as well."

Yang Dao replied, "I am an elemental seeker. Also, I did not commit any sins, I am here, it is my choice."

His voice was calm but his eyes were cold, the person in front of him was shocked for a few minutes and then he asked, "What you said is true? Why did you come to such a hell hole on your own? Have a certain death wish?"

The figure received no reply and said with a sigh, "Find any place to live but not the top of the buildings. Those are occupied by some big names who are at the moment fighting with each other. You do not wish to get captured in the aftermath."

Yang Dao did not reply but understood something about the set of rules in this place. He nodded to the person and turned back. Suddenly the person moved his hand but found that a knife was flying at him and lodged straight inside his throat. He did not have the time to cast his fire skill.

The boy walked over and took out the knife and left the place, slowly the figure fell to the ground. Yang Dao did not turn back to look at the dead body. He was not an emotional fool to have empathy with the enemy. However, this encounter did provide him with some information regarding this place.

One, this place was mysterious, and two, none of the living beings shall be trusted in this place. The only way to unravel the mystery was to get stronger and survive. He was walked closed to a building and spotted a few dents inside the walls. After tracking the dents he found that the dents led to the top of the building and also the window openings in the building.

He had no idea of barging inside a room for shelter. This was the place that worshipped strength, so only the strong had the right to get themselves a room. He quickly climbed along the wall and arrived at the top of the building. Walked to the corner of the terrace and gazed at the horizon in front of him.

A few mental notes were taken down by him. This place was as big as a football field, one half was filled with buildings while the second half was a grave pit. Three, the floor gave off an amber glow and heat.

Yang Dao sighed and mumbled, "The world sure is mysterious." 

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