Star Odyssey

Chapter 2286: Exposed

Chapter 2286: Exposed

Lu Yin once again grew excited as he thought of the Nine Clones Secret Technique, and he looked upwards at the imprisoned jiao. Was there any way for him to get the secret technique?

At that moment, Lu Yin remembered that Xia Xing had relied on Progenitor Chen's blood to start drawing the broken saber. Could Lu Yin copy that? He still had two bottles of Progenitor Chen's blood in his cosmic ring, so could he try it? Xia Xing had absorbed Progenitor Chen's blood, which was impossible for Lu Yin, but was there another way?


On the rear battlefield, a young man approached Grandmaster Gu Yan’s residence. He accepted tea from Xiao Cui after a full tea ceremony. She took a full half an hour to brew a single cup of tea.

The young man showed no hint of impatience. He walked across the floor that was paved with star essence, and the soft light of the room was produced by a sourcebox array. He occasionally took a bite of another glowing delicacy that had been served as a snack. They were truly delicious.

"Grandmaster Mu, would you care for another cup of tea?" Xiao Cui asked.

The young man who was visiting was indeed Mu Shang. He had decided to pay Grandmaster Gu Yan a visit after he had returned to the rear battlefield from his trip to the Higher Realm.

Grandmaster Gu Yan had spent decades teaching his apprentice, and he had given the young man the confidence to challenge Mu Shang himself. Naturally, Mu Shang was incredibly curious to learn just how accomplished Grandmaster Gu Yan had become. It should be impossible for the old man to reach the level of lockbreaking mastery that only Progenitor Hui had ever reached.

Every Lockbreaker greatly admired Progenitor Hui. If Grandmaster Gu Yan had truly managed to reach that level, he could not be referred to as merely an Array Grandmaster.

"Alright," Mu Shang answered with a smile.

Xiao Cui brought out a clean cup and steeped the tea for another half an hour. The cycle continued, repeating again and again.

Mu Shang was determined to meet with Grandmaster Gu Yan. Anyone else would have been driven away without hesitation, but Mu Shang was different; he was also an Array Grandmaster, and even Grandmaster Gu Yan had to show a certain level of respect.

After several hours, when Mu Shang could no longer even taste his tea, Grandmaster Gu Yan finally revealed himself. He asked in a lazy sounding voice, "Kid, why are you here?"

Mu Shang was the youngest Array Grandmaster in history. He was far, far younger than Grandmaster Gu Yan. Referring to Mu Shang as “kid” was not only something that was perfectly acceptable for someone of Gu Yan’s age, but it also showed that he did not dislike Mu Shang, despite his affiliation with the Celestial Frost Sect.

As soon as he saw Grandmaster Gu Yan, Mu Shang rose to his feet and offered a bow with a smile. "It’s been a very long time since I last paid you a call, Senior. I was passing by, so I thought that I’d stop by to see you."

"What's so good about seeing me? You should see go Xiao Cui, as she’s the pretty one." Grandmaster Gu Yan rolled his eyes.

To the side, Xiao Cui pursed her lips as her bright eyes flickered over to Mu Shang. She looked just like a young girl who was inexperienced in what the world had to offer.

However, Mu Shang was quite familiar with Xiao Cui. While the woman looked like a cute girl, there was a darkness to her that she kept hidden. She perfectly matched Grandmaster Gu Yan’s eccentricities, and this was not the first time that the old man had used Xiao Cui to handle various annoyances.

Grandmaster Gu Yan grinned. "Kid, you’re growing more and more impolite. You don't even offer a gift when visiting an elder? Is this the trend of young people nowadays?"

As soon as he heard Grandmaster Gu Yan’s comment, Mu Shang raised a hand. "This junior has naturally brought gifts, Senior, for both you and Xiao Cui. Also, I’ve brought one for Er Gouzi."

Grandmaster Gu Yan rolled his eyes again. This kid was too sharp. Gu Yan had teased Mu Shang a great deal the first time they had met, but he had never been able to repeat the matter. After all, Mu Shang even thought of Er Gouzi.

"Alright, fine. What did you want to talk about that you came to see me?" Grandmaster Gu Yan was impatient, and he quickly accepted the gifts and moved on.

Mu Shang's expression changed. "This junior is here to offer his sincere respects to a senior. It's been a long time since I last saw you. Many people have been asking after your health."

Grandmaster Gu Yan just sneered. "They’re just afraid that I won't die."

Mu Shang shrugged, unfazed. "As for a second matter, this junior has been a bit confused about a few lockbreaking matters in recent years, so if you have time, I would ask for some of your advice, Senior."

"Confused? Why not go to Qiu Ling or one of the others?" the old man retorted.

Mu Shang smiled. "This junior’s lockbreaking mastery is no longer inferior to theirs. Only you can provide me with guidance, Senior."

Grandmaster Gu Yan's face twitched. He was truly impressed with Mu Shang’s talent. There was no flaw to be found in the young man’s character, cultivation talent, or lockbreaking ability. He also never bullied or oppressed others or acted arrogantly. He showed open contempt for schemes and tricks, and even if Mu Shang wanted revenge, he would do so in an open and public manner. Thus, he was one of the very few people from the four ruling powers who Gu Yan did not hate. However, if there were a flaw to point out, then it was that Mu Shang was quite arrogant, which caused him to be rather unpopular among Lockbreakers.

Despite Mu Shang’s accomplishment of bearing the title of the youngest Array Grandmaster in human history, there were few Lockbreakers who were willing to interact with him. Mu Shang’s pride was not merely something engraved in his bones, but something that he openly wore. He showed no respect for his peers like Grandmaster Li and Grandmaster Qiu Ling, but that was just how Mu Shang was.

"Kid, you’re eventually going to get a beating if you keep talking like that." Gu Yan warned him that the other Array Grandmasters would be upset at such treatment.

A smile pulled at the corner of Mu Shang's mouth. "There’s no worry about being beaten. After all, even when it comes to cultivation, there are few more talented than this junior.

“However, I’ve recently come across an even more arrogant and talented junior. While only a three-tribulation Envoy, he’s managed to become a Realm Array Master and wants to challenge this junior and take my title as the youngest Array Grandmaster in history."

Grandmaster Gu Yan was stunned. "Such a person exists? A three-tribulation Realm Array Master? How old is he?"

Mu Shang frowned. "Senior, shouldn’t you know? This is actually this junior’s third reason for visiting you. I wanted to offer my congratulations, Senior."

Grandmaster Gu Yan felt incredibly confused. "Congratulations? Kid, quit messing around and playing with all your words. Tell me clearly why you’re here."

Mu Shang's eyes flickered. "Senior, haven’t you accepted an apprentice by the name of Yu Hao?"


Back in Shenwu's Sky, in the valley that Lu Yin had been given, what seemed to be a flash of lighting was flickering through the void.

Lu Yin was sitting in the valley, and he slowly opened his eyes. He had already reached the void god realm with his domain. He had reached that level after Possessing Hen Ye. The man was a peak Envoy who had received personal guidance in how to train and develop his domain by Hen Xin, who in turn had been taught by Gu Yizhi, the Dao Monarch of the Third Mainland. Lu Yin had managed to reach a level of mastery of his domain that few had been capable of even during the Heavens Sect era.

Truthfully, across all the countless years, Hen Ye’s mastery of domain could rank within the top five experts.

Naturally, after Possessing such a person, Lu Yin’s own domain had not only reached the void god realm, but his mastery had reached a level that greatly surpassed Mr. Tang’s.

Lu Yin had actually tested this during the Xia family's ceremony to honor their ancestors. He had extended his domain and enveloped Mr. Tang within it, but Mr. Tang had never noticed Lu Yin’s void god level domain. This realization had inspired Lu Yin. It might be possible for Lu Yin to actually face a Semi-Progenitor level opponent.

The greatest difference between a Semi-Progenitor and an Envoy was the existence of an inner world. As long as a Semi-Progenitor was unable to utilize their inner world, then while they would still be stronger than an Envoy, it would not be a qualitative difference. It was very possible that Semi-Progenitors would not be able to detect Lu Yin’s domain without using their inner world.

He decided to test his theory, and closed his eyes. He unleashed his domain, and it slipped into the void and spread across the valley like a breeze sweeping by. Lu Yin then enveloped Wu Yao within his domain, as Wu Yao was the only Semi-Progenitor that Lu Yin did not fear noticing him or his domain. As far as Wu Yao was concerned, “Yu Hao” was already practically family.

Achieving the void god level of a domain allowed a cultivator to play with the void. Lu Yin's five senses extended through the void and reached where Wu Yao sat. Lu Yin could see the old man’s breath, feel his strength, and hear his voice. All of the sensations reached Lu Yin through the void, and he was even able to eavesdrop on the Semi-Progenitor’s conversation that he was having through a communication crystal.

"What are you saying? Yu Hao is not Grandmaster Gu Yan’s apprentice?" Wu Yao leaped to his feet in shock. He simply could not accept such a revelation.

Mu Shang spoke, and Lu Yin heard the man’s voice through the communication crystal. "That's right. I visited Grandmaster Gu Yan, and the Grandmaster himself verified that he never accepted Yu Hao."

"Could he have used another name?" Wu Yao asked. He could not believe this. Everyone had known for a long time that Yu Hao was Grandmaster Gu Yan’s apprentice, and there had never been any doubt about this fact. It was even why the Celestial Frost Sect had sent someone to meet with Yu Hao and try to recruit him. Learning that the entire affair was a lie was too shocking for the old man.

Mu Shang replied, "I made sure to ask about such a possibility, but Grandmaster Gu Yan has not left his residence after he returned from the Lower Realm a few decades ago. He’s been in seclusion ever since, and no one knows what he’s been working on these years. If anyone else had tried to visit him instead of me, he would have simply refused to meet with them. There’s something off about this Yu Hao."

Wu Yao looked quite upset, and his mind started racing.

Inside the valley, Lu Yin’s eyes snapped open. He had been exposed. He had not considered the possibility of Mu Shang actually visiting Grandmaster Gu Yan, but the man had directly learned from Grandmaster Gu Yan that Yu Hao was not the old man’s disciple. What would Wu Yao do next?

Lu Yin warily allowed his domain to once again extend outwards until it enveloped Wu Yao once again.

Lu Yin was not worried about being discovered by the Semi-Progenitor. After all, Wu Yao’s mind was in such chaos that he would not even consider the possibility that anyone was spying on him with a domain.

"Mu Shang, are you absolutely certain that Yu Hao is not Grandmaster Gu Yan’s apprentice? He has already passed the Sky Beyond the Sky trial, and Progenitor Bai will definitely accept him as a disciple. If Yu Hao is not Grandmaster Gu Yan’s apprentice, then his entire identity is questionable. Right now, everyone is trying to recruit the young man, which means that this is incredibly important. We cannot allow any mistakes," Wu Yao quietly stated

Mu Shang immediately replied, "I'm completely sure. Grandmaster Gu Yan has no apprentice by the name of Yu Hao, and he has not accepted any apprentice at all within recent decades."

"I see." Wu Yao's eyes kept darting about, but he did not let go of the communication crystal. His mind was racing as he tried to think of who Yu Hao might actually be. With such an unbelievable level of lockbreaking skill, he should not be some unknown person, but in that case, who was he?

"Senior Wu Yao, no matter what Yu Hao's true identity may be, please keep in mind his cultivation, lockbreaking talent, and the fact that he has passed the Sky Beyond the Sky trial. None of these things are debatable," Mu Shang cautioned.

The warning served to sober Wu Yao up. It was true. Regardless of whom Yu Hao might actually be, there was no denying his various accomplishments. As long as the young man was not a Redback or an enemy of the Celestial Frost Sect, he could still become part of the Celestial Frost Sect. Progenitor Bai would still accept Yu Hao as a disciple, and the only difference from before was that Yu Hao was not Grandmaster Gu Yan’s apprentice. That was a status that the young man might have made up to restrain the Xia family from dealing with him. That was a very reasonable possibility.

After all, if Yu Hao had not been thought of as Grandmaster Gu Yan’s apprentice, then Shenwu’s Sky would have snatched him back long ago. The truth was that whether Yu Hao was Grandmaster Gu Yan’s apprentice had nothing to do with the Celestial Frost Sect.

These thoughts prompted Wu Yao to quickly contact the sect and ask them to investigate everything connected to Yu Hao as quickly as possible. Not even the smallest detail could be overlooked.

Lu Yin retracted his domain and heaved a sigh of relief. Mu Shang's warning had stopped Wu Yao from exposing what they had uncovered.

The current situation meant that Lu Yin did not have the opportunity to create a new identity for himself or Yu Hao. There simply was not enough time, and the Celestial Frost Sect was not run by fools. It was impossible for Lu Yin to deceive such a super power with such short notice, especially since they were already on guard for anything suspicious.

After pondering the matter for some time, Lu Yin called Xiao Qing. The only pawn in Lu Yin’s control that could influence the Celestial Frost Sect was that young woman.

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