My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Chapter 598: Changes AndPotential. 2

Chapter 598: Changes AndPotential. 2

Chapter 598: Changes and Potential. 2

"MOTHER!" Ruby spoke louder when she saw her mother ignoring her.

"..." Scathach turned her face towards Ruby, and that look from her mother made Ruby cringe a little; the woman was scary!


"We have a lot of things to do; afterward, you can do whatever you want with my Husband. Remember your responsibilities!"

"...." A frown appeared on Scathach's face. She looked at Victor's body, debating what to do, then sighed and swallowed all the lust she was feeling. It was an arduous process, considering that she had never felt it this intensely before, but Scathach was very good at controlling herself; years of training had made her will become unstoppable.

Her mind cleared a little, enough for Professor Scathach to come back.

She took a deep breath and let the air out of her lungs, making her breasts heave slightly with the sudden movement.

A cold look adorned her face, and she analyzed:

'... Let's see... His body underwent a complete change, and all of his battle instincts must have been completely destroyed by now. He will need to train to recover what was lost... But that's not bad. Due to having experience, it'll just take a few fights to the death with me for him to get used to his new body.' Forming a coherent train of thought, she began to explain to her disciple:

"… In the next fight, I want you not to use a weapon."

"... Why?" Victor asked.

"Your entire body was rebuilt from scratch. You were basically reborn with new, better material, and your physique is now on par with the strongest Alpha Werewolves in the history of Samar."

'If my assumptions are correct, by training with the new body, Victor can reach the same physical level as the Progenitor of Werewolves, which is insane considering that this is a peculiarity of the Werewolf Race.' Not even Scathach could achieve that with training.

The girls swallowed hard and stared with eyes wide in shock, some of them didn't have much experience with Werewolves, but the books always spoke about the actions that Werewolves could do with just their physical bodies.

Lift a mountain? Easy as breathing.

Jump into an active volcano? Like taking a bath in a hot spring.

The strongest Alpha Werewolves had ridiculous physical power.

"But these good changes came with the detriment of you completely losing the habits of your old body. In Martial Arts, when training with the body, our brain gets used to the physical movements, and actions can be done instinctively, but now that your body changed overnight, a feeling of unease will appear when you fight."

To demonstrate an example, she said, "Try to dodge my blow as you normally do." Scathach closed her fist and attacked his face.

Victor just turned his head and dodged, but then he saw Scathach kicking him in the chest, so he jumped back and was surprised that he went further than expected.


"... You didn't want to jump that far, right?"

"Yes... I just wanted to take a step back." Victor spoke with visible discomfort and a narrowed gaze; now he realized his problem.

'It's like I put in more strength than necessary since I just followed my instincts.' He thought to himself and was once again surprised when he realized that Scathach had discovered all this with just one look at his body.

"Fight Haruna with just your body. The more you fight, the more you'll get used to your new body, and knowing your adaptability talent, that shouldn't take long, but this is just a temporary measure. You must use your powers for the highest levels of opponents, so you will need to fight me several times to get used to fighting like before."

"The process of recovering the basic instincts in the fight will be fast since you already have all the knowledge. You just need to apply it to a better and more resistant material."

"Yes, Master." Victor understood what he must do.

'Basically, fight harder, much harder, and relearn to use this body...' Victor displayed a small smile, 'One week is enough. I just have to fight to the death with Scathach...' It would be a lie if Victor said he wasn't interested in testing himself with Scathach again.

"Another thing… What happened to your security seal?"

"..." Victor looked at his hand:

"I think it was lost during the whole process."

"Do you feel any discomfort or like you're going to explode?" Ruby asked in a neutral tone that contained concern.

"…Actually, I don't feel anything. I'm completely fine." Victor replied to his Wife.

Ruby approached her Husband and touched his body. She was amazed when she felt the density of his new muscles, but she quickly stopped thinking with her Horny side and instead thought like a scientist.

'...So much power...' She could tell that every fiber of Victor's muscle carried an absurd amount of power.

'What did Roxanne do to my Husband? I need samples to understand better.'

Ruby created a small needle out of ice and tried to pierce Victor, but the needle just broke.

"..." An uncomfortable silence fell over the place as Ruby stared in disbelief at the needle in her hands.

"Oya? Already trying to hurt me, I thought I would do that to you later."

Ruby's face turned a little red, and she said, "I need blood samples to understand what happened."

"Sure... Come here..." Victor pulled his lover's waist and showed her his neck.

"It's all yours~."

Ruby snarled a few curses at the sexy bastard she called her Husband and quickly bit his neck... Surprisingly, she didn't break her teeth, and the skin was pierced easily.

She took a few sips of the blood and felt the heat wash over her entire body, but with a self-control that Violet would envy, she stopped biting Victor, created a container of ice, and spit his blood into the container.

"... Mother, please take over?" Ruby looked at her mother, silently thinking about something, as she moved a little away from Victor like a lamb running away from a predator, fearing for her self-control now.

'His blood tasted even better~ God, how is that possible?' A dreamy look appeared on her face as she was utterly lost in her own world as if she had tasted food made by the God of Food himself.

"... Hmm, I'll make another seal... But I don't think it will be necessary."

"What do you mean?" Victor asked.

"Your old problem, Victor. You had a lot of power, and your physical body couldn't handle all that. You were trying to hold the whole sea with just a glass cup... Because of that, the seals were necessary; they were like a filter preventing your power from killing you."

"Now, I assume your body can fully handle the load of your powers without the seal, and because of that, you aren't feeling anything, so the seal is no longer needed."

'Because his power is for the first time circulating in his body without interruption, his muscles are full of power, every fiber of his body is made of pure power... His body has finally reached a balance with all its power.'

"If it were before, you would be in a lot of pain, but now… You are completely fine."

"Oh, don't go into Progenitor Form until you've completely overhauled your Base Powers. You'll need to overhaul everything from scratch, including your Vampire Count Forms, to understand your new limits and what you should and shouldn't do."

Victor just nodded his head, listening to his Master's teachings. He didn't feel sad that he had to redo everything from scratch. After all, the quality of his current body and the old one couldn't even be compared. It was like comparing the level of resistance of iron with that of diamond; the level was completely different.

'...I think with this body, I can create that technique...' Victor thought deeply with an excited smile on his face. Since he learned how his blood powers worked, he thought of recreating a technique that completely changed the notion of his power.

"Anyway, let's go back. You have a fight with a Nine-Tailed-Fox."

"Umu." Victor took a step, and Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Water simultaneously covered his body. Then, he vanished and reappeared a little away from the group.


The Scarlett sisters looked at this with expressionless faces.

"... Well, this is nostalgic," Lacus muttered in amusement. She remembered something similar happened when Victor first went to Nightingale.

"Indeed." Pepper nodded.

"Ugh, my control has gone to shit," Victor grunted as he got up from the ground and climbed out of the hole; then, when he stepped out of the hole, the earth around him caved in.

"Your Powers have gotten stronger, Victor..." Mizuki muttered as she looked at the damage caused. A huge hole was created just because he moved.

"And your body is heavier, Master," Kaguya spoke as she noticed that with every step Victor took, the earth caved in around him.

'He must weigh hundreds of pounds now.'

"As Countess Scathach said, his entire inner body has become denser; it must be because of that," Natalia said.

"It seems so." Victor accepted the girls' words. "Although the increase in power is not significant, the increase in quality is."

"... Quality?" Natalia asked curiously.

"Yeah, look." Victor raised his finger up, and three ice cubes were created in front of Scathach, Natalia, and Ruby.

"...This..." Scathach widened her eyes. She didn't know much about the other Bloodlines, but she knew entirely about her own. This little cube had a density she couldn't create in her Base Form.

And that made Scathach's smile grow, 'Damn monster; I love you more and more!'

"M-Mother..." Just like her mother, Ruby also realized this fact.

"Yes… Ruby, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You hit the jackpot when you decided to follow Violet that day; all your luck was used up on that encounter.

"… Yes." Ruby had no other choice but to accept it. With how strong Victor's Bloodline had become now, she would imagine that his children would be talented monsters.

Then she blushed a little when she thought about her and Victor's child.

'I hope it's a girl... I could teach her everything I know.'

"Hmm, doesn't that look different?" Natalia spoke, confused.

Ruby and Scathach displayed a slight sneer, but they didn't judge the Maid, considering that only someone who used Ice Powers could understand the difference.

"By comparison, the Ice before Victor changed was like Arctic Ice, it was tough but could still be melted, but now, it's Ice created from absolute zero." Siena spoke in layman's terms, "Only Fire of the same quality can damage his Ice."

"... Oh..."

"I assume the same happened with your other Powers, right?" Ruby asked.

"... It seems so." Victor raised his finger upwards, and a white fireball was created.

The people around him sweated a little when they felt the temperature of that small fireball.

"It's become much easier to refine my powers... Although I'm using more energy than necessary." Victor narrowed his eyes, as he used the same amount of energy when he created this technique earlier but realized he didn't need to.

Victor dispelled the fireball and raised his palm to the sky.

Rumble, Rumble.

His body was covered in Lightning, and soon a tiny golden sphere was created.

"That's..." Mizuki opened her eyes wide and wasn't alone; everyone was in shock.

"Plasma… Something I was training before," Victor's smile grew. He had had so much trouble refining Lightning before, but now it came out so naturally.

"All his Bloodlines grew stronger," Eve murmured.

"Master has become deadlier than before." Maria, Roberta, and Kaguya were all smiles at that fact.

"Yes." The three stepsisters spoke at the same time. A bit of barely concealed lust could be seen in their eyes.

"Anyway, no Powers until you go over all the basics again! And I want to know what happened!"

"Ồ, đó không phải là vấn đề lớn; giống như tất cả chúng sinh trên thế giới đều có các giai đoạn phát triển, Roxanne cũng có các giai đoạn. Theo lời cô ấy, cô ấy đã đi từ một đứa trẻ đến một thiếu niên, và cô ấy có mối liên hệ như thế nào với tôi trên một mức độ tinh thần, tôi cũng đã thay đổi."

"..." Đó là thiếu niên sao? Các cô gái mở to mắt kinh ngạc khi nhớ lại những thay đổi của Roxanne.

“Tôi hiểu…” Scathach nheo mắt lại.

'Không có gì với Victor là bình thường. Làm thế nào mà một Cây thế giới phải mất hàng ngàn năm để trưởng thành lại có thể phát triển nhanh như vậy? Có phải vì 'chất dinh dưỡng' ma quỷ? Ugh, tôi cần biết thêm...'

"Dù sao, chúng ta trở về đi!" Scathach đã ra lệnh cho tất cả. Cô ấy có nhiều việc phải làm, hầu hết trong số đó là để tránh việc cô ấy nhảy lên và cưỡi lên đùi người đệ tử yêu quý của mình và vắt kiệt hạt giống của anh ta trong cô ấy.


Scathach quay lại và bắt đầu vừa đi vừa suy nghĩ.

Chỉ vì Dòng máu của anh ấy trở nên mạnh mẽ hơn, anh ấy dường như được các Ma cà rồng nữ khao khát hơn rất nhiều so với trước đây.

'Tập trung, Scathach! Tiêu điểm! Trận chiến đến trước!' Cô hơi vặn vẹo khi cảm thấy ánh mắt của đệ tử nhìn mình.

Đó là một cái nhìn thuần túy về chiến đấu, ham muốn và ham muốn tình dục, và cô có thể nói rằng anh ta muốn chiến đấu 'hai' với cô.

Và chỉ có các vị thần toàn tri mới biết Scathach cũng khao khát điều đó như thế nào. Bây giờ cô hầu như không kiểm soát được bản thân mình.

'Anh ấy đã nhận cú đấm mạnh nhất của tôi trong Dạng cơ bản và thậm chí không chớp mắt. Anh ta hành động như thể nó không ảnh hưởng đến anh ta!' Scathach chỉ cười thích thú. Thông thường, một cú đấm như thế đáng lẽ phải xuyên qua ngực Victor, nhưng chẳng có gì xảy ra cả:

'Tôi cần xem phạm vi độ bền của anh ta... Nhưng theo kinh nghiệm của tôi, tôi sẽ chỉ có thể làm bị thương cơ thể anh ta mà không cần vũ khí nếu tôi bước vào Dạng đếm ma cà rồng sơ khai của mình... Và điều đó có thể thay đổi nếu anh ta cũng sử dụng sức mạnh đó giống như tôi ... hahaha ~. Anh ấy là người giỏi nhất! Ugh, tôi ướt quá; Tôi cần một chiếc quần lót khác.'


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