Lord Shadow

Chapter 862: The response of heaven

Thunder roars in the sky, splitting the sky apart. 

Lightning flashes by in the thousands, splitting the dark sky with golden light, the roars of thunders echo and resound and causes the entire sky to shake, the space up there were all distorted.

The lightning split open mountain, cut apart lakes and rivers, burning large forest. The wind form storms of lightning that bring destruction and devastation

The golden sky seems to be angry as it turns dark golden.

The Will of the World is getting stronger and when the Will of the World is getting stronger, it means Azief is getting stronger. 

The Wheel rotates a few inches again to fill its revolution and another surge of energy fills Azief body. The pressure is building up inside Azief bodies but Azief smiles all the same

Balfor frowns as he notices something weird is happening around Azief. 

‘That Wheel’ he muttered to himself as he deflects Azief punch to his left and strike a jab toward Azief face. 

Azief dodge to the other side. 

The force of that punch split apart the space area behind him and blow up a small mountain into debris of dust

Azief took the opportunity to strike both of his palm toward Balfor body as Balfor was pushed ten thousand kilometers away, dragging a few island around his feet 

Each of the island that was dragged by his feet turns into dust, or split apart and sink down to the ocean below

Azief winced a bit, feeling the pain travelling all over his body. 

Even though he was the one that attacked, he was the one that got hurt. The Demon king was sly in that he coated himself with corrosive aura.

Azief hand is bleeding but then almost as instantly his wound that is just opening up, it regenerated back in the blink of an eye.

They both take a moment to take a breath. With that palm attack, Azief had created distance between him and Balfor.

The distance between them now is around ten thousand kilometers away from each other but to them, this is almost like a distance of one meter from each other. 

But Balfor did not move as he finally notice something is very wrong. He looks at Azief and then look at the Wheel and he understood.

‘I should destroy that Wheel first or force it to go away’ That is the thought that came to his mind.

At that same moment, the pressure of the Wheel is reverberating inside Azief body. A bout of vibration reverberates inside his body in the form of energy disruption. 

Azief at that moment knew he had misunderstood something. 

He thought that now he is a Divine Comprehension leveler, he no longer has to suffer like when he was at the Disk Formation level.

He was wrong in that thought. 

The Wheel adjust its destructive power according to the level of its owner. 

Then it makes sense that even though Azief grew stronger, it did not mean that the pressure of the Wheel would lighten on him.

If anything, only the pressure in summoning it is lightened. But the pressure of using the Wheel is still present

But this time it did not give pressure to his bones or his body. Instead it is giving pressure to the Laws that he had controlled

It felt like his Law is being compressed to its ultimate limit. And he felt that it would explode inside his body

His entire body seems to be enduring a powerful pressure coming from the Wheel

His energy is drained even more. And the change in him echoes towards the change in the Heavens

The sky changed colors six times. The golden skies reflected the change of the colors of the Heavens.

Different aura, energies and Laws comes out from the sky affecting all living beings in the world.

The site where Azief and the Demon King is fighting appears like the epicenter of apocalyptic event spreading out.

The space tear is only one of the effect of their battle. 

It is the change that they induced in the fabric of reality that is more worrying. The barriers between world is very fragile right now and some even burst opens. 

But unlike before where people comes out from these portals, there is only death and destruction that awaited anyone that tried to use these portals

The seven oceans of the world are in chaotic madness, waves roses up to a terrifying level around Azief gigantic figures and rushing off away from Azief golden figure.

Azief and Balfor are staring at each other, Azief eyes is shining holy golden light as the demon king eyes is shining bright red full of killing intent that could send someone into madness 

Both of them are just looking at each other but they are already engaged in a mind battle. 

The moment they locked their eyes with each other, they were already engaged in a battle.

If one really pays attention, one could see that Azief sometimes moves slightly either to the left or the right. And the same could be said for Balfor. 

It is not like the swaying of their body had something to do with the swaying waves of the ocean. 

Instead they look at each other and made a simulation of how the battle would go. 

Even though they did not appear to be fighting, they are actually intensely fighting in their mind. 

Their eyes locked with each other

When both of them is confident that they could inflict a fatal blow to the other, only then they would move.

Azief then take a deep breath and his breath creates a gust of storms that dissipated the waves that was about to rush up and destroy a new continent.

He frowned a bit. 

Even though Azief is focused with his fight against the Demon King and did not notice the damage that he had inflicted, now that they stopped for a while, he had noted the destruction wrought upon the world.

Wherever they had passes, there is a great calamity. 

There are all kinds of disaster from earthquakes that shakes all over the world, creating instability in the plate tectonic of the world. 

On other parts there is tsunamis and increased volcanic activity. 

There are floods rising up in some places near the shore of the sea and all along the trails of the river that is closest to the sea. 

He also saw something else in a different direction. 

When they fought each other and attacked each other, they move in light speed and as such when they punch each other and if that punch is powerful enough, they would find themselves unconsciously ripping apart the space behind them and appeared at some other point of space on Earth

In the fight before, that happened and they appeared at a mountain and they fought only for one moment there before disappearing on other places on Earth

But the blast of their strikes and effect of their battle had created a large avalanche that buried a large forest

Azief also notices that there is a lot of super continent popping up.

There is cyclones and storms all around them both him and the Demon King when they fought each other before. 

Each of their fist generated enough heat to melt down mountain and create a powerful wind storms 

There is also the fact that Balfor killing aura is creating an aura of death that affects the animals and plants

Above Azief head the Wheel is still moving and as it moves, it began grinding up the Laws and purify it to primordial energy among the many others energy as it flows toward Azief body and strengthened his physical body.


A Heaven shaking pressure erupted out from Azief body and Balfor knew he had to make the first move. 

The battle in their mind ended. 

They both avert their gaze from each other as both of them take a step forward at the same time, tearing apart the space around them and created cyclones of winds behind them.

The distance of ten thousand kilometers is abridged in less than a second



The sound of the Wheel grows louder and it seems to drown all the sounds in the world.

It was like a hymn sounded, or a Gospel a melody of holiness and happiness coming from the sound of that Wheel moving. 

Probably because Azief had once moved the Wheel before there is no longer the sound of creaking but instead it is a sound of a Wheel moving cleanly.

The Wheel stops at the Blissful State trials and golden lights suppressed the demonic aura and the killing aura of Balfor.

This state was once revealed to the world when Azief fought against Sithulran. However, at that time, Azief wanted to seal Sithulran

So, the effect this time would surely be different than the last time.

Even Balfor who was in hyper mode rushing forward in breakneck light speed toward Azief, in that particular moment that is less than a second, felt his power was decreased somehow and he began frowning even deeper in that state of speed flux.

Everything around him seems to slow down because Balfor is moving in light speed. 

But that mystical ability of the Wheel seems to disregard and could seem to intercept someone that is traveling even in such speed.

At the same time, the Wheel covered the dark red clouds with golden light the Heavens also responded.


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