Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 991 Repay them in the future

Chapter 991: Repay them in the future

The other thief turned to look at Yu Dong and shuddered before saying, ” Did they not eat anything? How come they are going down just like that? It’s as if the woman is punching tofu! Jingyi what should we do now? Should we just give up?”          



The woman with a scar turned to look at her partner in crime and rolled her eyes, ” Nonsense! Do you think that if we stop now that woman will let go of us?” But at the same time, Du Jingyi was really worried as well, since they knew that they were going to work today, she had asked the entire gang to be on the lookout but——     

She watched the woman who was tailing after them kick another one of their partners in the stomach, sending her flying and couldn’t help but shudder in fright. This woman did she eat rocks in breakfast how come she was so strong?      

With their entire team working together the two should have escaped unscathed and it should have been Yu Dong who should have been beaten to a pulp but the woman was obviously fine and it was their team members who were getting hit left and right.      

When another one of their group members went down, Du Jingyi could not help but shout in frustration, ” You lot, what are you doing? She is just one woman why can’t you bring her down? Did you not eat or did you not sleep?”      

Her roar caused the other women to look at her with a glare in their eyes and then they all shouted, ” You fight her if you think that it’s that easy to take her down!”      

” All right time to end this,” Yu Dong muttered as she snapped her fingers and caused a gnarled root to pop out from the surface of the ground. Because the thieves were running at full speed they did not see the root that was popping out of the ground and were sent flying.      

Maybe it was because their speed was too fast but the two women fell on the ground with a loud thump and did not get up anymore!     

” You are back!” Chen Mi and Ye Liu have taken the mer surnamed Ren inside the carriage and were waiting for Yu Dong to return. Thus, when they saw Yu Dong coming back, it did not take long for them to come out of the carriage as they rushed towards her and  Ye Liu asked, ” Did you catch those thieves?”      

” Yes,” Yu Dong replied as she took out the pouch that she was carrying with her and then handed it to the mer who cradled the pouch as if it was his baby.      

” Thank you very much!” The mer bowed his head with tears in his eyes, fortunately, the money was still with him or else who knows what would have happened!     

Yu Dong waved her hand and then said, ” There is no need for you to thank me for something like this, this was what I should do.”      

Though Yu Dong said that it was not a big deal, Concubine Ren still bowed in front of her in gratitude. Maybe Yu Dong had no idea but ever since they were kicked out of the Imperial Palace after the Eldest princess usurped the throne unjustly, no one treated him and his wife kindly.      

Many of their old friends turned their back on them as they were worried about getting entangled with them, yet this woman surnamed Yu had helped them so much. In fact, if not for the vegetables that she gave to his wife for free every once and then Concubine Jiang would have died long ago!      

‘ I will surely make it up to her once I return to power once again,’ thought Concubine Ren in his head as he bowed in front of Yu Dong once more and then took his leave.          


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