Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 981  Fool courting death

981  Fool courting death While Yu Dong was discussing the mountain purchase with the Village head, Yu Mai was herding the livestock of the Yu family in a nearby field.

Ever since his mind became a bit more clear, Yu Dong asked Yu Mai to take small jobs in the house like taking care of the livestock and bringing pig feed for the pigs. Even though they had workers to do such jobs, Yu Dong wanted Yu Mai to learn to do small things which would build his confidence.

So like always with a little calf and a goat following behind him, Yu Mai headed to the grass field with the rest of the livestock. Beside him was Lang Ru who carefully looked around the fields while Yu Mai said to her, ” Sister Ru, you should go back home. Mai can take care of them, you are a scholar herding livestock is not something you should be doing.” n0𝓥𝑒𝓵𝓊𝑠𝑩.𝓒0𝗆

Chen Mi had repeatedly warned Yu Mai to not treat Lang Ru like before, now that Lang Ru was a scholar, her reputation was no longer the same as before. She could not do the things she did when she was living with their family and had to act respectfully and elegant all the time, Chen Mi was worried that Yu Mai would drag Lang Ru around with him and ask her to catch loaches from the small stream next to the field where the livestock of the village grazed.

Ever since Yu Mai had befriended the naughty kids of the village he was quite keen on running along with them, he would not only rush to catch loaches but he would also try to look for bird eggs with his friends which caused his entire clothes to be covered with mud.

Chen Mi did not want something like this to happen to Lang Ru, as she was willing to play along with Yu Mai, he knew that Lang Ru would not refuse him but as Yu Mai’s brother-in-law, it was his responsibility to teach Yu Mai. He was not going to stop Yu Mai from having a little fun but he had to take care of his actions at the very least when he was with Lang Ru.

Nie Liang liked Yu Mai ever since she became friends with him and she knew that as long as Yu Mai turned eleven, she could propose to him which was why she was extremely nice to Yu Mai.

Yu Mai was about to agree when he was stopped by Lang Ru who raised her voice and then interrupted the conversation with the sound of someone clearing his throat, ” Ahem, Mai…wouldn’t you introduce me to this young woman?”

Lang Ru’s voice was filled with vigilance as she could see that this young girl treated Yu Mai differently. Similarly, Nie Liang looked at Lang Ru with narrowed eyes as she had heard about the rumours of a young girl living with the Yu family.

” She is my friend, Nie Liang,” Yu Mai did not sense the tension between the two girls and then turned to look at the rest of the group that was playing next to the creek. His hands itched to catch some loaches but he stopped himself as he turned to look at Nie Liang and then said, ” Sister Nie, I am not going to catch loaches with you. Today I need to be careful while herding the livestock.”

” Why? Isn’t Little Calf and Mister Goat with you? You can play with us and they can herd the group or …” Nie Liang turned to look at Lang Ru and added venomously, ” Is it because of this young scholar that you are holding yourself back?”



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