God Rank Upgrade System

Chapter 1041 - Pissing off the Five Element Warriors

Chapter 1041: Pissing off the Five Element Warriors

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

What were those flames?

Seeing how Lin Xiu had dark blue flames all over his spear, the man was shocked.

But, Lin Xiu did not give him the time to think.

As he moved his long spear, Lin Xiu continued attacking the man.

As for the rest of the warriors, they held onto the long sticks and did not directly attack Lin Xiu as they were waiting for an opportunity.


However, if one took a good look at them, their sticks were gently shaking.

It looked as if there was a large amount of energy that had been transferred onto their sticks.

With the odd sound coming from it, it could be clearly seen that one of their sticks have turned golden.

The other one turned into a piece of rock while the other looked like he was holding onto a stick made of water.

The last one had a stick that seemed to be covered with plants.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth. These were the five elements that each of the warriors have/

“Kill him!”

One of the warriors noticed that the fire element warrior was in trouble and they decided to step in.

As soon as he gave the instructions, all of the other warriors immediately attacked Lin Xiu!

Lin Xiu noticed what was happening from the corner of his eyes and his pupils shrank uncontrollably.


The energy in him exploded and even the long spear in his hand was shaking.

Then, he managed to send the fire warrior element flying into the distance.

Following that, there were flaming birds that headed towards him!


Seeing how the flaming birds were coming at him, the sage warriors screamed. He quickly gathered all the energy in his body and released his ‘sphere’ in order to cover his entire body.

Lin Xiu had no time to continue attacking him.

This was because there were four other warriors who were about to attack Lin Xiu!

Clang clang clang – –

With his weapon covered in a dark blue flame, Lin Xiu continued swinging it in the air.

These four warriors were attacking Lin Xiu with energy of different elements but Lin Xiu didn’t appear to be beneath them.

Even when all four of them were attacking him at the same time, Lin Xiu managed to block all of it!

With the ‘Rage’ activated, it can be said that Lin Xiu was extremely strong now!

Damn it!

The fire element warrior saw how Lin Xiu was fighting the other and he had a murderous look in his eyes.

He was also a warrior who was used to playing with fire but Lin Xiu was one above him.

This was a humiliation.

He calmed himself down and wanted to release his domain forces in order to strengthen himself.

But, as soon as he released them, he noticed that his domain forces were being washed away by some unknown energy!


At the same time, Lin Xiu finally felt provoked after fighting with all four of them for some time.

That’s when he let out a loud cry.

As there was a huge amount of energy that headed towards them, the four warriors had no other choice but to release their ‘spheres’.

Although they were blasted far away, they were still protected by their ‘spheres’ which meant that they were not injured at all.

Then, they finally got the chance to steady themselves.

“This young boy might be strong but he would not be able to kill us.”

The water element warrior looked at Lin Xiu and spoke to his comrades.

“We’ll continue attacking him. Once he is exhausted, we will be able to defeat him.”

The rest of the warriors nodded their heads in agreement as well.

But, there was something that they still couldn’t understand.

When the four of them were attacking Lin Xiu, they couldn’t help but feel that their attacks were being blocked off by a certain type of force.

The strength that they initially had was reduced to only half of it.

Plus, each time Lin Xiu moved his spear, there were wind blades being released.

These wind blades might not have caused any major damages to them but their faces were still cut by these blades.

Now, there was blood dripping off their faces from the cuts.

Lin Xiu looked at the warriors before him and he was taking them seriously.

He could feel that these sage warriors were different.

With how they were working with each other and how they had control over their own elements.


The fire element warrior from before waved his stick and aimed it towards Lin Xiu!

Then, there was a huge fire stick that appeared in the air and it was headed at Lin Xiu!

A sage warrior skill!

This skill was filled with energy and it was obvious that it was a sage warrior skill.

Boom – –

Lin Xiu blocked the attack with both his hands on the long spear but the huge impact caused half of Lin Xiu’s body to enter into the ground beneath him.

“Ah Mu!!!”

The fire element warrior then screamed for the other warrior.

With that, the wood element warrior then waved the stick in his arm. There was a bright green light that appeared next to where Lin Xiu was.

What’s that?!

Lin Xiu had just blocked the horrifying attack and didn’t get the chance to react to it. Then, he noticed that there was a bright green light all over the ground around him.

Suddenly, there were plants growing around him and they slowly grew into long and thick vines.

All of the vines headed towards Lin Xiu’s body.

Xiu xiu xiu – –

These vines then entangled themselves all over Lin Xiu’s body and wrapped him up like a dumpling within minutes.

The water element sage warrior then joined into the fight.

There were large droplets of water that came from above Lin Xu’s head.

Drip drip drip – –

As the water droplets fell onto the ground, more vines were growing like mad from the ground beneath Lin Xiu and he was continuously being wrapped by the vines.


The wood element warrior then sneered. He moved the rocks that were on the ground, causing them to rise into the air and turned them into ashes. After that, he gathered them together once again.

All of the rocks turned into pointy cones and they were slowly headed towards Lin Xiu, who was still wrapped like a dumpling by the vines around him.

Boom boom boom – –

With a dull groan, the sharp rocks then went directly towards the huge green dumpling.

“Is he dead?”

Bai Zhanfei, who was just nearby, didn’t seem surprised as if this was something that he had expected to happen.

“He should be.”

The gold element warrior nodded his head.

“Hmph! The Ye family? A bunch of useless people.”

Bai Zhanfei looked at the huge thing that was green in colour and scoffed.

Boom – –

Suddenly, there was a peculiar noise that came out from the green dumpling.

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